Learn the Secret to Fluid,  Confident, Low Impact Movement

by learning The Walking Code

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Welcome to new Walking Code Online Course. This is the first new course release since the original Walking Code Course that I release in 2015. Since then I have spent 8 year honing my online teaching method to help people reduce pain and dysfunction by achieving mastery over their own bodies. 

There have been significant updates from the original course, and new methodologies to help people grasp the concepts more quickly. There are new exercises to help you incorporate each movement into your consciousness and then into your permanent body memory. 

The course includes over 50 video and written lessons  to help you master your core and every type of walking variation. It will help you identify your own walking issues and and give you the tips to fix them. The course includes exercises that will help build not only strength and flexibility, but mental awareness of your proper movement patterns. 

With over 400 of my videos on YouTube, I have realized that finding the proper way to digest the content for many people was becoming difficult. That is why I set out to create a new course, distilling all of the best concepts and shot with improved lighting, audio, and video editing techniques that I have picked up over the last 8 years. 

This course will help you to learn how to keep your spine aligned and your muscles balanced by learning the fundamental patterns of core movement that were designed to keep our bodies functioning optimally over a long lifespan. Most people never learn how to control their core consciously. They are stuck with whatever patterns they stumbled upon while learning to walk at a young age. Many of these patterns can be dysfunctional, increasing the impact on the joints and placing the spine out of alignment. It is no wonder so many millions of people suffer from recurrent or chronic pain and are dependent upon chiropractors and massage therapists to try and keep themselves functioning. 

With The Walking Code, there will be no more need for adjustments and other tune ups. You body will stay naturally aligned because you will have finally digested the owner's manual that none of us ever received before. 

When I published the first course, I had some doubts as to whether people would be able to incorporate the material through the video learning format. After 8 years and thousands of comments, I am now confident that this is the most effective movement system out there, and the only one dedicated to teaching people the deep knowledge of the core necessary to really change fundamental movement patterns. I am also reassured that it can be learned through this format. 

  • Improve your posture
  • Reduce impact on the feet and the knees
  • Keep your back aligned
  • Recognize and correct common walking mistakes like pitching forward, over-arching the back, and walking with duck feet
  • Move fluidly from your core
  • Learn the proper technique for strolling, exercise walking, walking uphill, downhill, up stairs and down stairs.
  • Practice exercises that will help improve your balance and the way you move.


Click on the link at the bottom of this page to register for The Walking Code Online Course. Your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. 

Walking Code Course Content:

1. Introduction to the Course
2. Posture Wall Test
3. Posture Correction Exercises
4. The Gait Cycle
5. Walking Rhythm
6. Direction-Root-Power, Understanding the Core
7. Torsional vs. Concordant Rotation
8. Moving with Intention
9. The Gait Rockers
10. Rising to a Stand
11. Changing Weight
12: Walking Uphill

13: Hip Action with Walking on Hills
14. Walking Downhill
15. Walking Up Stairs
16. Walking Down Stairs
17: Approaching Step
18: Mindful Mantras Up and Down Stairs
19: Up ad Downhill

SECTION 2: The Core Techniques

1. SET

SECTION 3: Core Pattern Sequence Review

1. Level Ground
2. Uphill Walking
3. Downhill Walking
4. Up Stairs Walking
5 Down Stairs Walking
6. Turning

SECTION 4: Walking Improvement Exercises

SECTION 5: Correcting Walking Mistakes

1. Forward Leaning
2. Duck-Foot Walking
3. Over-Striding

SECITON 6: Preventing Falls

SECTION 7: Cross Training with Kickboxing and Tai Chi

1. Kick Boxing Intro
2. Kick Boxing Jab and Cross
3. Kick Boxing Shuffle Forward and Back

4. Tai Chi Demonstration
5. Parting the Wild Horse's Mane
6. Crane Cools Its Wings
7. Brush Knee
8. Play the Fiddle
9. Repulse Monkey
10. Grasp the Sparrow's Tail

SECTION 8: Running Technique
1. Introduction
2. Running In Place
3. Midfoot Strike

SECTION 9: YouTube Favorites



Walking Code Course Comments


"Thank you Sir! I think your teachings are life saving. I am recovering from a stroke and I find them extremely useful. I think they should be part of a semester curriculum in every Physical Therapy School. My gate is almost back to normal thanks to you."


"I have watched all of your videos and let me tell you... you have no idea how much you changed my life for the better. THANK YOU"


"This is a great routine - challenge for me is to keep balance and pelvis level on my weak side. If subscribers haven't already checked it out, my other favourite is "Walking Code Balance and Mobility Routine" by Todd."


"Thank you for your videos! I just discovered you a few weeks ago as I’m realizing my feet are forming bunionettes and bunions due to improper walking technique and over-supination. I always thought I had strong feet and ankles, but when I try your exercises, I’m finding they’re actually weak and shake. I will be adding these daily, thank you!"


"Best walking course I’ve found on the internet!"


"Thank you so much for clarifying all this. I have been trying to figure out how to walk since I got hit by a car in 2005! I have been juggling all this misinformation daily, driving myself nuts trying to walk. This is the clearest instruction I have ever seen online. I am praying that this balances my muscles out, and gets me out of pain. Thank you sir for generously sharing this information"


"Wow, thank you so much, this was very helpful! I've realized which muscles are weak on my body! Now that I know it I hope I can fix my posture little by little"




"Thanks for this video doctor, you're the maximum, I've been asking me about the things I've found on this channel for about 4-6 years. How to walking? , How to up stairs? , How to down stairs? , How to kick correctly a soccer Ball , How to dance? , How to boxing? . I feel that my mind and my body have changed, I feel that I am learning and associating all my movements in coordination to my core, I am an athlete and I feel that I have a lot of strength and power, but my biggest problem is balance and stability, but with all the content I have found on this channel, I feel that my life has changed , every time I have coordination problems, I think about the rotation of my core and already my body responds in a different way, for all this, thank you very much!"


"Your the best out here in all youtube!!!"


"This is one of the best explanation of how to walk properly in a series of videos ; I recommend buying the book: The lift occurs , when the standing leg with wgt shifted the upper core rotates forward and across , the opposite side hip will lift; how does that process work"


"Thank you for posting this content! I had a total hip replacement 1 month ago, and I'm doing extremely well. I just didn't realize that due to the pain in my hip, my walking had become completely dysfunctional. I am learning how to walk properly again, so your efforts are very much appreciated!"



Get Your Walking Code E-Book

The Walking Code: Correcting Abnormal Gait Patterns by Mastering Control of Your Core

Only 7.99 

This book is the complete companion to the Walking Code Online Course. Learn the Walking Code System. Learn how to use the core for basic walking, power walking, walking up and down hills, walking upstairs and downstairs and more. Learn the reasons for many of the most common abnormal walking patterns and how they can be corrected. This is the most complete walking analysis book yet put out by Dr. Martin and was completed after the online course so they match lesson by lesson. 

Click to Purchase Your Book Now

The Future is in Your Hands

Too many people assume that gradual erosion and decay of the body over time is an inevitable part of life. Given the percentage of people suffering from chronic pain in the joints, you could not be faulted for believing they are right. The truth is, this assumption is wrong. Physical degeneration of the joints is not inevitable, You can choose to keep your joints healthy and functioning over a long lifetime if you choose to become conscious of how to move your body correctly. How you function, when you walk, stand, sit, or do any of your normal daily activities, determines whether or not your joints will stay healthy over the long haul. I believe that knowledge and practice are the keys to proper function and maintenance of healthy joints. You don't need a pill. The best time to learn how to move consciously and correctly is before you start having pain, but I believe that it is never too late. The information is here. The future is in your hands.

Sample Video

How to Walk Down Stairs


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